Board Development

Board Recruitment New Board Member Training Board Performance Assessment & Improvement Board Chair & Executive Director Coaching Design & Facilitation of Board Retreats Crisis Mitigation

One of the critical needs we hear from social sector executives most often is the need for strong and engaged board members. Yet, nonprofit boards often underperform, struggling to operate as a cohesive and generative leadership body. Board members are often recruited through the executive’s close networks, inhibiting the diversity and growth that make boards thrive, and are not provided the training and expectations required to succeed.

We provide recruitment and board development services. We work with board and executive leadership to articulate specific profiles they need to augment their current leadership composition. Using our extensive networks, we identify prospective candidates and make introductions to organizations in need of their expertise and passion. And throughout the vetting process, we coach individuals interested in joining boards to ask the right questions, understand what the commitment may be, and learn how to be an effective and contributing board member from the start. 

We have developed a suite of trainings and tools - ranging from Board Service 101 to fundraising training to board member agreements - used to ensure boards are performing at their highest potential.

Finally, we provide customized coaching and crisis mitigation, to help leaders navigate the change and challenges that so often arise in evolving organizations.

CLIENTS INCLUDE: Amigos de Guadalupe, California EDGE Coalition, CoachArt, HomeRise, Esq. Apprentice, Izzi Early Education, LifeMoves, Opportunity Junction